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Friday, 9 November 2012

Five reasons Windows 8 could be a big hit

Windows 8 could be the biggest gamble that Microsoft has ever taken. But even though many people have said that gamble looks like a bad one, there's certainly a chance that it will pay off. Here are five reasons that Windows 8 could be a big hit.
People will get used to it, just like they did to Windows itself
As a general rule, when it comes to using computers, people don't embrace change, and Windows 8 represents a major change from previous Windows versioons. But another general rule is that people end up getting used to new ways of using computers, and it could well be that will happen with Windows 8.
When Windows 3, the first mass-market version of Windows, was first introduced, plenty of people grumbled about it. They hated the operating system's wasteful graphical frou-fraws. They complained that -- gasp! -- it actually required the use of a mouse. Typing incomprehensible instructions at the command line was the best way for people to use real computers to get real work done...who needs icons and pictures?
We knew how that turned out. Microsoft was right on target and Windows became the worldwide dominant operating system.
Those who are younger like it...and they're the future

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